Star Words

 Did you worship with Knox online, but didn’t get a chance to choose a Star Word? Or, did you miss worshiping with Knox United last week and heard about this thing called “Star Words” and wonder what it’s all about?

As Rev. Penny said in her sermon on January 8th: “A Star Word is simply a word written on a piece of paper—a word on which to reflect in the coming year to help us ponder where God might be guiding us in our lives or in the world around us… For, just as the Magi followed the star, which was a gift from God that led them to The Gift from God, the Christ-Child, each of us can allow our Star Word to become a sign of God’s presence. We can become curious seekers in our own lives!
Often the word seems very timely, as if they were indeed designated for you, the recipient. Other times the word can make us wonder what meaning it could have in our lives. It is this sense of serendipity and wondering how God might be working through this simple process that keeps us engaged and connects us with God and with others on this journey.
But as with any other gift, you will need to be intentional about your response to your star word. Will the paper be stuffed into a pocket or jammed into the bottom of a purse, never to be considered again? Or will that word be considered an opportunity - a chance to reflect on how God speaks to you? What might you learn from one word? What new ideas might evolve, what treasured wisdom might resurface? How will it help you and others to grow and let go?”

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