Audio Services

9 August 2020

Service lead by Brian Botten,

Brian's message "Hurricane Season" begins at minute 24.50

2 August 2020

Rev Sandra's message - "The Path of Humility" begins at minute 20.42

26 July 2020

Rev Sandra's message - "The Spiritual Path of Devotion" begins at minute 20.02

Bible reading John 6: 63-69 read by John Butler ( recorded beside Knox Garden - some traffic noise)

19 July 2020

Rev Sandra's message - "The Stewardship of Sharing" begins at minute 20.02

 Mark 6: 30-44 read by Cathy Heighton (recorded beside the Knox Garden - hence the traffic noise) 

28 June 2020

The service starts at minute 11.20 after the Virtual Hymn Sing

Rev Sandra's message "Open Wide Our Hearts" begins at minute 40.10

21 June 2020

Service begins after Virtual Hymn Sing at minute 13.45

Rev Sandra's Message  "Our Loving God" begins at minute 28.48

14 June 2020

The service begins at minute 12.45 after the Virtual Hymn Sing

Rev Sandra's message "Are We Productive Branches?"

begins at minute 34.18

7 June 2020

The Service starts at minute 12.02, after the Virtual Hymn Sing.

Rev Sandra's message 'Gaining Spiritual Wholeness' begins at minute 31.33

31 May 2020

Rev Sandra's message - "Living In The Spirit " 

Ministry of Music - 'The Holy City'  John Lindsay-Botten accompanied on piano by Don MacRae

24 May 2020

Rev Sandra's message - "Finding Self Wholeness" begins at minute 34.41

3 May 2020

Rev Sandra's message  - "The Importance of Prayer" begins at minute 12.46

The Ministry of Music - "What a Friend We Have in Jesus"

Bridging the Social Distance Chamber Singers ( incuding John Lindsay-Botten)

(recorded on March 20 - before Social distancing rules were in place)

Vigil 28 April 2020

A Service of Remembrance

Guest Piper - Gillian Blaney

Note: The. sections with Gillian ( the piper) were recorded separately

so that Social Distance rules could be followed.

26 April 2020

Rev Sandra's message - "Encountering Jesus on the Journey"

The service will start after a short tribute by

Tony Mombourgette singing "Precious Lord"


19 April 2020

Rev Sandra's message "To Doubt is Human" begins at minute 15.19

The Ministry of Music - Tony Mombourquette singing "He's Alive !"

Easter Sunday

12 April 2020 - Easter Sunday

The Ministry of Music is John Lindsay-Botten with

the Bridging the Social Distance Chamber Singers

singing "My Life Flows On". recorded at St Andrews United Church on March 20th