Missions and Services

Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.” Matthew 25:40

As people of God, we are called to work in the world around us. We provide time and money for God's work beyond our church walls. This work takes place in our city, country, and nations all around the world. We are called to seek justice and equality for others. Knox United Church has a strong ministry of outreach both locally and through the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada.


Local Outreach Ministry
The Outreach Committee coordinates the work of our congregation to reach out to those in need within our church family and to our local community. We appreciate the enthusiastic support from the congregation for the projects and organizations our committee supports. Please review the Outreach Ministry pamphlet for many opportunities to help others in our church and community. 


Beacon House Interfaith Society
Knox is one of 19 churches that provide representatives to the Beacon House Interfaith Society, a caring and compassionate organization that provides food, clothing and small household items for people in our community that need help. A number of initiatives are organized throughout the year by our Outreach Committee to help provide food, clothing and other donations for this important work. Visit the 
Beacon House Website. Top Ten Donation Suggestions for the month


Global Outreach Ministry
Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada The Mission and Service Fund is the way we, as United Church people, invest in God’s vision for ourselves and the world. The congregation of Knox actively supports the work of the United Church of Canada across the country and around the world through our member's contributions to the Mission and Service Fund. We combine our gifts with United Churches across Canada into one fund, which is managed by the national church.