© Copyright 2019 - Knox United Church, 567 Sackville Drive, Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia

At the table of the Lord we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion by sharing the bread and the wine as a remembrance of all that Christ has done for us in his life, death and resurrection.
All who seek the presence of Christ are welcome to share in this sacred meal. Our minister blesses the elements and the Elders serve the congregation in the pews during the traditional service.
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At the alternative service as well as some others the members of the congregation may be invited to come forward to receive communion by intinction (dipping the bread in a glass of wine).
Please download our Communion pamphlet. Holy Communion is celebrated a number of times throughout the year:
- World Wide Communion Sunday (first Sunday in October)
- The First Sunday in Advent
- Christmas Eve
- Maundy Thursday
- Easter Sunday
- Several other Sundays during the remainder of the year as decided by the Spiritual Oversight Committee
Consult the Calendar for the date of our next celebration of Holy Communion.
Baptism and Blessing
Jesus said to them, ‘Whoever welcomes in my name one of these little children, welcomes Me.’ Mark 9:36-37 Knox United is a baptizing Church. When someone seeking personal baptism or baptism for their child, chooses this Church we feel both honoured and blessed to have the opportunity to perform the Sacrament of Baptism. We welcome all to our church family! The Baptism Team invites parents who wish to have their child baptized to participate in a workshop session to explore the significance of Baptism. They will meet with you and be your Sponsors, helping you to stay connected, and encouraging you to make new friends among our Church family. Adults are welcome and encouraged to be baptized as well. This can be done at the same time as the baptism of a child or may be done as a culmination of the confirmation process. The Sacrament of Baptism is part of the Regular Sunday Service
(usually the 3rd Sunday of each month). Please contact the church office if you wish to arrange for a baptism or blessing. Click the link below for more information. Baptism Policy and information Packet
Relationships cannot thrive and grow in isolation. They need the encouragement, nurture, support and accountability of community. Thus, covenants of Marriage and Life Partnership are public. In the Church we celebrate such covenants in the context of the public worship of God.
We welcome those couples known to the Knox Church Community who wish to be married in our church. The staff at Knox United Church does everything possible to make each wedding a personal service of celebration and worship.
All couples seeking to be married at Knox must meet with the Minister for pre-marital counseling and instruction in the meaning of Christian marriage and family. Couples are encouraged to participate in a pre -marriage course which helps them to share in discussion about such subjects as personal development, legal aspects of marriage, money management, family life, communications, sexuality, etc.
Knox United Church does not rent its sanctuary for weddings performed by a third party.
To discuss church availability, fees and honoraria, please contact the
Church Office or view the attached Marriage Guidelines.
At some point in our lives, all of us will be faced with planning a funeral or memorial service for a loved one. The minister of Knox United Church is here to help you through this process. Funerals and memorial services are considered part of the ministers’ pastoral care to our congregation, and even, at times, outreach to our community.
The beauty of our sacred space can ease the pain of bereavement. If you wish to hold a funeral at Knox United Church, contact our minister through the office. A Funeral Wake is another part of the grieving process. It is a time when family members meet with friends, prior to the funeral or memorial service. This gathering provides an opportunity for them to support each other as they mourn the loss of a loved one.
As an open and loving church family, we recognize that some families would prefer to have the wake in a church sanctuary. At Knox United Church there is a team of willing and caring people who will organize and host this type of visitation. We feel honoured and blessed when invited to provide this ministry. Please download our Funeral Wake team pamphlet