Message from Rev. Penny

Message from Rev. Penny
Dear Siblings in Christ,
This week, I have been thinking a lot about discipleship—how God calls each of us to our different paths of life, questions and faith, but we are also called to walk these roads of discipleship together. And as my time of ministry at Knox comes to an end this Sunday, I am so grateful for all the ways in which you have allowed me to walk this road of discipleship with you!

In my time here, I have seen the ways in which Knox cares so deeply for your neighbours, and that care is extended through Freedom Kitchen meals and grocery pick-ups and hampers through the week; that care shines through in the Pastoral Care Team’s calls and visits and cards. It shines through in the fellowship you share at choir practice, at Bible Friendship Time, during the Thursday morning walking group, or men’s breakfast gatherings, or during coffee hour after worship on Sunday. This care shines through the work of the Knox Futures Team to imagine the roads God might be leading Knox to five or ten years from now, and that care shines through in your desire to share beautiful music with the world through special concerts and celebrating the ways that organ music can lift some peoples’ souls…and so much more!

Your love for God and neighbour is at the heart of Jesus’ call to discipleship, and that is something worth sharing with everyone you meet! But may you also remember that, while collectively, you as a congregation are called to love your neighbours as yourselves, you are also called to lift up and celebrate the diversity of ways in which you live out that discipleship individually. We may be the hands and feet of Christ, but, as the Apostle Paul reminded the Christian community of Corinth: “There are many members of the body, but there is one body…The eye cannot say to the hand ‘I have no need of you’, nor the head to the foot ‘I have no need of you.’…If one member suffers, all suffer together with them; if one member is honoured, all members rejoice together.” (1 Corinthians 12)
May you remember this wisdom as you continue to walk the road of discipleship together, celebrating the joys and carrying the sorrows together. And may you know that you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, for I am grateful to have walked a part of this journey of discipleship with you all!

With Blessings,
Rev. Penny

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